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5 elements of the best therapist websites

An illustration of an open laptop.

You don’t have to be a web design expert. Just make sure your website is an accurate representation of you and your work, and that you make it easy for potential clients to connect with you.

Your therapy website is likely one of the first places potential clients will get to know your practice. And a poorly designed website might be the difference between someone reaching out to book an appointment or leaving your page altogether.

Make sure your website is an accurate representation of you and your work, and that you make it easy for potential clients to connect with you. 

“When people see an impersonal, outdated, or difficult-to-navigate website, they might equate that with how therapy would be with that person,” says Monica Kovach, a web designer specializing in the mental health field.

You don’t have to be a web design expert. Instead, follow these few best practices when creating or updating your therapy practice’s website.

5 elements of a great therapist website

1. A professional headshot 

Your website photos, especially your headshot, are one of the most effective ways to showcase your personality to a potential client. Kovach recommends taking professional headshots if you can to ensure the best quality possible. Dress and pose in a way that actually represents you, not what you think a therapist should look like in a picture. For example, if you tend to dress casually for sessions, do the same for your photos, so people can get a feel for what it’s like to meet with you. “Adding a video to your website can also go a long way in communicating your personality to visitors,” she says. 

Read some tips for taking headshots — even with an iPhone.

2. Personalized content

As a therapist, you’re clinically trained, but jargon can be difficult for everyday readers to digest. Kovach recommends writing your web copy in a professional-but-warm voice, with the same empathy you’d express working face-to-face with a client. “You may be publishing to the public, but you don’t want to write like you’re talking to the entire world,” she says. “Try to connect with one person when you’re writing instead.” You can do that by identifying your ideal client before getting to work on your copy (a process that will also help you build your caseload). Try to incorporate keywords your ideal client might Google, such as specific mental health conditions or symptoms you treat. 

3. A biography that explains your “why”

An “about me” page should include a biography that clearly communicates your background, education, and specialty — but Kovach emphasizes this section isn’t just about listing your credentials. “I really advocate for therapists to share their stories in whatever way they’re comfortable with,” she says. “If you have a niche, try to share a connection point that explains why you’re doing the work you do. People care about your mission if they’re choosing to invest in working with you.”

Read more about best practices for your website bio.

4. Easy-to-navigate design

A slick-looking website can be appealing to visitors, but you should also make sure yours is simple to navigate. “Therapy-seekers are likely visiting your page from a place of overwhelm, so you want to make it as easy as possible for them,” says Kovach. For example, write copy short chunks rather than long bursts, breaking up sections with headers. When possible, use bullet points for lists to make it easy for people to scan your page and learn more about why working with you could be a good fit. 

5. A clear call to action

Whether you want people to book directly online or email you with questions, be sure to include a call to action on your website. “Whatever your call to action is, make sure it’s super clear on the site, like a button in the right hand corner that says ‘book here,’” says Kovach. Making it easy to reach out lowers the barrier to people to schedule with you, which ultimately means you’ll have the opportunity to help more people. 

Explore inspiring therapist websites

Looking for some inspiration as you get started on your own therapy website? Check out these therapy-focused web designers for templates and design ideas — or consider hiring one if you need expert support. 

Real talk: You don’t need a website

If the thought of creating a website doesn’t seem doable, a dedicated page with a personalized URL isn’t an absolute necessity for a therapist. You can get a lot of mileage out of platforms like Headway (not to mention extra help with administrative areas of your practice).

Therapist directories like Psychology Today and GoodTherapy — or specialized ones like Therapy for Black Girls — can also make it easy for people to find you, learn about your practice, and reach out for consultations (without the hassle of choosing a template or designing multiple pages).

Read more about optimizing your Psychology Today profile to find more clients.

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